The Graduate School understands college life can be hectic, so we offer convenient links to register for class, find out about student organizations and obtain information on the city of Oxford. You’ll find relevant links and many other resources for all students at this Current Students link. In addition, we have added quick links below for information that you may find useful during your tenure as a graduate student.
Community Area Resources –
Mentoring at UM – Learn about the importance of mentoring and being well mentored, and what University of Mississippi is doing to make that happen effectively.
GradSense-Enhancing Student Financial Education – The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) offers some financial tips and information to help graduate students during and after their studies.
Individual Development Plans at UM – Learn about the value of writing and updating an Individual Development Plan (IDP), to help you on your way through Graduate School and beyond.
Graduate Student Forms – Forms that you will need to submit from transferring course work from another institution to submitting your dissertation and everything in between.
The ForUM – Discover unique opportunities at the University of Mississippi (affinity groups, organization, events, and more).
Student Disability Services – Student Disability Services embraces an educational community that celebrates and values the uniqueness and diversity of each student.
NSF GRFP – Guidelines for Administration of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) at the University of Mississippi
National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development – The NCFDD is an independent center that offers a wide range of resources to support the professional development and successful transitions of faculty, post-doctoral scholars, and graduate students throughout their academic careers.
University Student Policies – This is the listing of the current university policies that affect students at the University of Mississippi.
Off-Campus Housing – A resource to assist you in locating housing and/or possible roommates.
Campus Recreation – A resource for structured and unstructured fitness programs, on-campus recreation and fitness facilities and much more.
Career Center – A resource to assist you in the transition from academia to the world of work.
Dining Services – A resource if you are interested in meal plan information.
Parking Services – A resource for all parking and transportation information.
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning – A center promoting exemplary teaching and effective learning at the University of Mississippi.
Technology Links – Links for all of your IT needs.
International Student and Scholar Services – A resource for all international students and scholars.
Counseling Center – Provider of psychological services for the university community.
ELEVATE – A FREE one-week summer exploration program for rising seniors attending Historically-Black Colleges and Universities.