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Graduate School
The University of Mississippi

Image of Research

Founded by Mississippi State University

Does a picture really say a thousand words?  And can it provide the essence of a researcher’s work?

The Image of Research competition, founded by Mississippi State University in 2021, gives graduate students the opportunity to engage creatively with their research.  The idea is that the single image can communicate (an essential element of) the research.  This could include a behind-the-scenes view of the research methods/process, portray your scholarship in visual form, or evoke the essence of the topic. We invite you to be creative in how you communicate your research/scholarship in a single image.

The 2025 Image of Research Preliminary Rounds submissions will be evaluated starting in early February.  The final round will be Tuesday, February 25th from 3-5pm in the Graduate House.

The deadline to register and submit material was Monday, February 3rd by 5pm.


What is required for submission?

We follow the Mississippi State University submission guidelines. Please submit the following:

  • A title of less than 10 words
  • A 100-150 word narrative that articulates the connection between the image and your research
  • A head shot of the submitter
  • An image satisfying ALL of the following requirements:
    • Scale of 40″ x 32″
    • Maximum file size of 10 GB
    • Minimum resolution of 300 ppi
    • One of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, or JPEG2


What should the image be?

The concept of “research” varies greatly across disciplines and your submission can include an abstract or concreated depiction of your work.  Some possibilities include an image of the research itself, an activity related to the research, or its impact.

Each submission will be judged on three criteria:

  • Connection between image, text, and research
  • Originality
  • Visual impact


Who can submit?

Current graduate students in good standing at the University of Mississippi may submit a single entry (group submissions are not allowed).  The student must be the principal creator of the image submitted.



Winners will be determined after the Open House at the Graduate House on Tuesday, February 25th from 3-5pm, where the public is invited to view the displayed works.

First place: $300

Second place: $150


Instructions for Image Submission

The image must satisfy ALL of the following requirements:

    • Scale of 40″ x 32″
    • Maximum file size of 10 GB
    • Minimum resolution of 300 ppi
    • One of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, or JPEG2


Registration is here:


For questions regarding the Image of Research Competition at the University of Mississippi, please contact:

The Graduate School
Phone: 662-915-7474