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Graduate School
The University of Mississippi

Travel Grants and Research Awards

Travel Grants

The Graduate Student Travel Award program makes available limited support for a graduate student who is first author on a research presentation and/or recognized through an award for original research/scholarship. Graduate students should apply for the Travel Grants well ahead of the planned travel to increase the likelihood that funds will remain available. For the 2024-2025 academic year, we anticipate being able to award approximately 100 graduate students with a Travel Grant.

  1. The travel award will provide $200 for presentations at professional meetings. However, a grant of up to $300 will be available provided that there is a minimum of $300 of financial support from university sources (i.e., from the department or college or external grants) applied prior to the $300 offered by the Graduate School.
  2. A student is only eligible to receive one travel award (regardless of the amount) in an academic year.

To apply for the Graduate Student Travel Award:

Any student requesting funds must submit a Travel Authorization Form (this link takes you to the university Procurement website, which includes a link to the form) and the Graduate Student Travel Form at least 10 days prior to the date of the trip.

Students who do not apply for funding by the deadline (10 days prior to the date of the trip) will receive $50. The reduced funding is subjected to the same limit of one travel award in an academic year (the academic year is considered to run from July to June in this case). In addition, the Graduate School will not process any travel award forms received on or after July 1 for travel that occurred prior to that date.

The following items must accompany the Travel Authorization Form and Graduate Student Travel Form:

  1. Conference announcement
  2. Acceptance letter from the conference
  3. Abstract

***Only students presenting are eligible for funds.

Forms must be signed by the department chair and the student requesting travel funds.

Upon return from the conference, the student must submit a Travel Reimbursement Form (this link takes you to the form on our Procurement website). Only the amounts authorized will be reimbursed. All receipts from your travel MUST be attached to your Travel Reimbursement Form (gas, hotel, registration, flights, etc.). Students must submit all final documents and receipts within 30 days of the return from the trip or they will be ineligible for future travel grants.

Due to limited funding, only one award per fiscal year may be granted to an individual. All applications require the signature of the department chair or graduate program coordinator before evaluation and approval by the Graduate School and must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the date of the trip.

Research Awards

Updated 1/29/2024

We continue to offer Research Awards with support from the Office of the Provost to select graduate students each year. These are like the Travel Awards but specifically are intended to provide funds to support thesis/dissertation research in cases where the advisor/lab is not able to do so. For the 2024-2025 academic year, we anticipate being able to make 5-10 Research Awards.

The Graduate Student Research Award Program makes available limited support for a graduate student who is completing thesis or dissertation research. The award is available for up to $600, provided that there is a minimum of $300 of financial support from other university sources (e.g., from the department or college or external grants) applied FIRST (the total award from other sources and the Graduate School cannot exceed the cost of completing the thesis/dissertation research). If there is not at least $300 in support from other university sources, the maximum award from the Graduate School is $200. In addition, a student cannot receive both a Research Award and Travel Grant in the same year, except in the case of SEC Emerging Scholars. Students should complete this form and submit it via email to with the subject line Graduate Student Research Award Form. Please note that funds are limited. We will support as many applications as we can while funds last.

Note, students pursuing research that requires special review (i.e., human subjects and animal subjects), should include documentation of approval from the appropriate review body at the institution with the application form.

Graduate School Research Award Application Form