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Graduate School
The University of Mississippi

Overview of Application Process

As you prepare to apply to graduate school, please read these pages carefully. This website is the most comprehensive source of information about the Graduate School and its requirements. We strongly urge you to visit the website of the department to which you are applying as that site will offer detailed information about the specific program.

The following materials must be on file in the Graduate School prior to the deadlines in order to be assured consideration.

  • A completed online application including the application fee ($60 nonrefundable).
  • Official transcripts from all institutions from which a degree was obtained AND from any institution attended for graduate work – junior/community college transcripts are NOT required
  • Appropriate, official test scores (GREGMAT, PRAXIS, TOEFL, IELTS)

Incomplete applications cannot be fully reviewed and will ultimately result in denial of admission. Last minute submissions are strongly discouraged. For those programs that have a rigid application deadline, the online application system will not allow a late application. If a paper application is sent late, no refund will be provided and the application will be considered for the next admission season.

A TOEFL, IELTS or other accepted exam score is required of individuals whose native language is not English.  Qualifying minimum scores and exempt countries can be found on the International Student and Scholar Services website. The Duolingo English test (DET), which can be taken online anytime, anywhere, is now temporarily being accepted as well.

How do I have a GRE/GMAT/TOEFL/Praxis score forwarded to the UM Graduate School?
Contact ETS and have them send them to us electronically.

The institutional code for the University of Mississippi is 1840.

GRE– Department code: 5199

TOEFL – Department code: 99

The Application

Use the online application to apply. The online application offers tools for collecting and submitting some, but not all, of the documents and information required for application. Departments may require additional information, so please check their listings. In general, though, applicants are responsible for submitting the following:


You must provide original, official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended or in which you are currently enrolled. College seniors should submit current transcripts followed by a final official transcript showing the award of the baccalaureate degree. *Please do not submit junior/community college transcripts.

Letters of Recommendation

You must provide letters of recommendation. Recommenders should be persons well qualified to speak from firsthand knowledge about your potential for graduate study. Letters of recommendation to master’s programs may be from academic or nonacademic sources; please consult individual program listings for details. Letters of recommendation can be submitted online with the online application.

Statement of Purpose

Most programs will require you to submit a statement of purpose regarding your interests and/or intended areas of study. Some programs require you to address specific questions in your personal statement. Please review the department requirements for details.

Standardized Test Scores

GRE, GMAT and PRAXIS scores must be less than 5 years old; TOEFL scores must be less than 2 years old. These scores must be transmitted to UM directly by the testing service. Some programs require the GRE (verbal and quantitative), but many do not.  See the Items to Send page for more details.  Note that non-degree-seeking students are not required to submit any standardized test scores, and some programs do not require a standardized test. The program website outlining the application process will provide additional detail in such cases.

TOEFL/IELTS/Other accepted English Test*

All international applicants whose native language is not English must submit an official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or other accepted English test score. Qualifying tests and minimum scores can be found on the International Student and Scholar Services website.  A listing of English-testing-exempt countries is available at

For more information on international admission criteria, please visit

*Language proficiency assessment for international scholars

To satisfy the English proficiency requirement, the Graduate School accepts a wide variety of English tests, including TOEFL IELTS, and the Duolingo English Test (DET). Please see for additional details about language proficiency requirements and exemptions.

Application Fee and Waivers

A nonrefundable fee of $60 is charged for processing each application received by the Graduate School. This fee must be paid when the application is submitted. An application will not be processed unless the fee is paid. If you would like to be evaluated by more than one graduate program, you must submit separate applications for each one. The Graduate School is not responsible for errors made during the application process. There are no application-fee refunds.

Criteria for Admission

Admission to the Graduate School is determined by the dean of the Graduate School after evaluation and approval of credentials and recommendation by the faculty of the academic discipline concerned. Once all of the required documentation has been received, all application information is electronically routed to the appropriate academic department where each applicant’s credentials are evaluated on a competitive basis. Admission decisions are made after a full review of all application materials.

Admission to the University of Mississippi graduate programs is highly competitive. Only applicants whose previous records, test scores and recommendations give clear evidence of their ability to do advanced work of the highest quality will be admitted. The suitability of an applicant’s training and interests is also an influential criterion in determining which applicants shall be admitted. Departments consider a variety of factors in making admission decisions, including the availability of resources and faculty. The fact that an applicant’s credentials meet the minimum admission standards does not entitle an applicant to be admitted.

Holistic Application Review

The University of Mississippi Graduate School encourages programs to review applications holistically and to take seriously the challenges that applicants have faced and are facing during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), with ~500 member colleges and universities—including The University of Mississippi—has issued a statement recommending “holistic review as a good admissions practice that benefits programs, institutions, and students under any circumstances”, particularly during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement can be found at the following webpage:


Applicants should expect to be notified after the application deadline for their program. Whether or not applications that are submitted after a program’s stated deadline will be reviewed is at the discretion of each program.

Deadlines and admission seasons for departmental review vary. Our departments/programs have established specific application deadlines and will only make recommendations for admission after these dates.

After departmental review, recommendations are routed to the Graduate School for final approval. A notice of admission (or denial) will then be processed for each applicant. For those students accepted into the Graduate School, their Category of Admission and any conditions of admission will be included in the notice of admission.

Admission offers for most programs apply for one full year, beginning with the initial semester of admission. After one year, another application form must be completed.

An application is valid for only one graduate program. If you wish to be considered for two programs, you must submit two application forms. Some departments require students to enter and complete the master’s program before entering the doctoral program; other departments allow direct entry into the doctoral track. You must check with the department to determine their practice.

You may track the status of your application online by entering your application number and date of birth. *This will not tell you if you have been accepted but will show you if all documents have been received.