2022 Winter Newsletter
- Welcome
- And the winner is…Meet this Year’s Three Minute Thesis winner and other top performers
- Modern languages, health and kinesiology, and English – oh my!
- Lights, Camera, Action on the Las Vegas Opera Stage!
- Excelling on and off the field/court: 19 Graduate and Professional Student Athletes
- NEW SEC Emerging Scholars Program at UM Graduate School
- Meet Our 2022 SREB Scholars!
- 2022 Advancing STEM Scholarship Recipient
- Introducing the NEW Assistant Dean of Professional Development and Communications
- Five Graduate Assistants, One Graduate House
- Celebrating Our Postdoctoral Researchers
Read our previous 2022 newsletter below.
Newsletter Spring/Summer 2022
Dear Students, Alumni, Colleagues, and Friends of the Graduate School,
As I pen this welcome for our Spring/Summer 2022 newsletter, students have moved back into the dorms to kick off another academic year. This has been a hot summer in Oxford, with the temperature exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit frequently and heat advisories on multiple occasions. Of course, with that heat comes the many blooms around campus. In the Graduate School, summer means an opportunity to focus on celebrating the successes of the past year and planning for the next academic cycle. This provides us an opportunity to tell you about some of the amazing things our graduate students do. It is my pleasure to introduce 11 stories about the achievements and accomplishments of our graduate students and the fine graduate programs on this campus.
In this cycle’s newsletter, you will have an opportunity to read about how special it was to return to a more typical hooding ceremony and to meet our class marshals—it was wonderful to be able to see our graduate students’ smiling faces as their mentors hood them, welcoming them to the academy. Of course, you can view the full ceremony at https://www.btsvirtual.com/22graduatehooding.
Next, you will see a story related to a new initiative in which we co-sponsored a trip that supported graduate students to engage with the history of the state while studying at UM. We also introduce you to our latest Advancing STEM scholarship winner (which focuses on students who contribute to the advancement of women in STEM), a graduate student who honed his skills in astrophotography during the pandemic, our newest SREB doctoral scholar and a now SREB doctoral scholar graduate who is joining our accountancy faculty (we are thrilled she will stay in Oxford and teach graduate students), and two students who won first place in their field categories at the Mississippi Academy of Sciences annual conference. We also highlight ways that our graduate students positively contribute to the state of Mississippi, providing mental health services in the state and region while they complete their graduate training. For a state that is among the three states with the least access to care (see the National Alliance for Mental Health [NAMI] Mississippi at https://namims.org/state-mental-health-america/), it matters that our students help expand opportunities for mental health and wellness treatments. You will read about exciting developments in two of our programs—the residential Integrated Marketing and Communication M.S. and the Clinical Psychology Ph.D.
In the final set of stories, this newsletter includes a story about this year’s Graduate Student Council’s (GSC’s) symposium. It’s changed quite a bit. If you participated previously, I think you will find the changes the graduate student leaders implemented to evolve this event impressive. It was a big lift for them and they have a lot to be proud of with the work. In addition, you will find a letter from the outgoing GSC President, summarizing some of the key successes they experienced this year.
Speaking of those points of pride for the GSC, I anticipate they will have another alumni weekend and tailgate this year. I encourage our alumni to keep an eye out for details in the fall. Also, the Graduate School will again host at least one tailgate this fall. I hope all of you, including alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and friends, will attend the Graduate School’s tailgate if able. And, if you do head to Oxford for a game, stop by the Graduate House and say hello. We are eager to hear your latest news.
Also during the fall, the University will celebrate the 60th anniversary of James Meredith’s enrollment at UM, officially integrating the University of Mississippi. There are many events scheduled for that last week of September heading up to the Kentucky football game. Additional events will continue throughout the academic year. The University will publish a listing of events; please check out the website for the 60th anniversary.
Finally, 2027 will mark the 100th anniversary for the University of Mississippi Graduate School. We are beginning to plan ways to celebrate our 100 years. If you have ideas and want to be part of the planning, please let us know (gschool@olemiss.edu).
As always, we appreciate your support of the Graduate School and our graduate students at the University of Mississippi.
Best wishes as we near the end of summer!
Annette S. Kluck, Ph.D.
Dean of the Graduate School
Professor of Leadership and Counselor Education
Spring/Summer 2022 Articles